The creative brain on freedom…

Freedom’s just another word…

But it’s a mouthful, isn’t it?

Most of us are driven to chase that elusive intangible.

Some measure of conformity is a necessary cornerstone of our daily lives. After all, we don’t keep our jobs by dancing naked on the desk, or by slipping whoopee cushions onto the boss’s chair, as much as we might like to.

But in our creative minds, we are truly free.

Whether we write, paint, dance, sing or knit — our creations belong to us, the creators, and we can shape them to fit our vision.

Of course, freedom is something we must never take for granted. In the face of uncertain times, it becomes even more important to flex our creative muscles.

Freedom is like your carried-forward vacation days: you gotta use it or lose it, baby!

Here’s to fresh ideas and the courage to bring them to life!

Donna Amazon Page Visit

When that moody winter moon comes a-callin’…

There’s nothing like the glow of a cold winter moon to rev up the imagination of a writer.

It resurrects the memory of Au Claire de la Lune.

(At least this is the way we children learned the folk song of unknown origin, though Wikipedia offers a more adult version of the lyric.)

“Good Pierre, I beg you,
In the moonlight bright,
Your quill pen to lend me,
For I long to write.

“Burnt out is my candle,
And my fire’s out too.
Good Pierre, I beg you,
Let me in, pray do.”

Since I was a child, these words and their haunting melody have claimed a room in my soul.

I’ve been inhabited by the image of the haggard writer — no candle, no fire, seeking warmth and light by which to continue his mission.

MoonlightI suppose this accounts for my life-long fascination with lunar rhythms.

She is my silver muse, my inkwell, my inspiration.

It’s been too long since this writer snuffed out candle to bask in the dream-weaving radiance of a lunar swell.

I wonder what strange characters and nefarious deeds might be conjured up ‘neath her sublime countenance.

Donna Amazon Page Visit